“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”

-2 Timothy 3:16

Contact Us

Young Lee, Director of Student Affairs

Thank you for contacting Florida International Seminary.  If you would like to contact us as a prospective or current student, please use the below contact information.




(720) 530-9966

(720) 606-3018


Florida International Seminary

10675 Tally Fawn Loop

San Antonio, FL 33576-7273 USA


Florida International Seminary is a non-profit educational institution.  All gifts by donors are tax deductible as allowed by IRS Clause 501(c)3.  We will send all donors a letter for the tax deduction in January or February of each year.  Donors can send gift by mail or fund transfer.  Please contact us for any assistance: floridaseminary@gmail.com